

Thanks for being here. I am an artist and arts administrator based in Regina, Saskatchewan (Treaty Four Territory). My pronouns are she / her.

I hold a BFA in Print Media from the U of R (2011) but only recently began working with resin, primarily as an exploration of colour and light. As a self-proclaimed maximalist I appreciate ornamentation in all forms, most especially bold statement jewelry. Through my work I hope to give others the same joy I experience when wearing something colourful and unique. 

As a white, cis-gendered settler living on Treaty Four Territory I want to acknowledge the privilege that has allowed me to pursue this dream. My experience of having the freedom, resources and safety to wear what I want is due in part to the fact that I am not subjected to racism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism or ableism. I pledge to hold those around me accountable for their actions and wholeheartedly accept criticism when I have caused harm. I donate 10% of monthly sales to organizations who combat the effects of systematic oppression.